LOCATION: Berrimah, NT
CLIENT: NTG Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
VALUE: $649,900.00
STATUS: Completed 2019
Scope Building NT Pty Ltd were awarded the contract for the refurbishment of the John England Building. The staged refurbishment and renovation of the ground floor in the existing building included:
- Partial internal demolition and creation of new office and open office spaces within the existing building.
- Construction of a new secure entry.
- Construction of new window openings and windows.
- Construction of new acoustic barrier plasterboard lined, steel studwork partitions together with aluminium framed and glazed partitions and timber decorative screens.
- Provision of new floor coverings to match the existing.
- Electrical and mechanical services refurbishment and augmentation.
- Construction of new ceilings and bulkheads to conceal mechanical services.
- Provision of new minor wet areas works.
- Rearrangement of existing office furniture and modification and incorporation of some existing and provision of new joinery.
- Provision of new loose office furniture.
This project was completed to a high standard, to budget and within the specified timeline, there were no work safe issues. Extra works were awarded with this project.